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Diacore 在紐約佳士得瑰麗珠寶拍賣會買下 204.36 克拉濃彩黃鑽「 Dancing Sun」。據報導,這顆鑽石以 4.95 億美元的價格購買。 迄今為止,這顆黃色寶石是北美開采的最大的拋光鑽石。這是拍賣的最高拍品。它是從四年前從加拿大 Diavik 鑽石礦開采的一塊重 552.74 克拉的原石...
In first five months of 2021, Israel's rough diamond net exports totaled $755 million, with 6.5% going to United Arab Emirates. Diamond Exchange president: E...
MELBOURNE, Australia--Rio Tinto has unveiled a preview of its final showcase of rare Argyle pink, red and blue diamonds from its iconic mine in the r...
彩鑽研究基金會(FCRF)公佈2021年第一季度彩鑽價格結果,濃彩和艷彩的價格上漲了百分之零點四。 FDRF概述彩鑽市場指:「經歷難關重重的一年後,隨著美國經濟環境逐漸恢復正常,2021年第一季度證明,彩鑽價格具韌力,整體呈上升趨勢。」基金會預測美國市場復甦,彩鑽價格將持續上漲。 藍鑽 藍鑽自2...
May 6, 2021 - ALROSA held auctions for special size rough diamonds at its main trading offices in April to meet clients’ demand in purchasing high-quality ro...
Platinum Guild International releases results of multi-year research study. (PRESS RELEASE) NEW YORK — Platinum Guild International (PGI) has released th...
It’s launching Pandora Brilliance. Pandora announced the launch of Pandora Brilliance, its first lab-created diamond collection. The company said mine...
Lenore Fedow Blackpink member Rosé will be the face of the 2021 Tiffany HardWear campaign. New York—K-Pop, or pop music originating from South Korea,...
日期 : 2025年02月22日 - 2024年02月26日 地點 : Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC)