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3rd Edition of Best Selling Laboratory Grown Diamonds “Bible” Set for Release


It includes eight new subjects to be presented by co-authors and authors in Fall LIVE Webinars.


(PRESS RELEASE) Gem and jewelry industry experts Dusan Simic and Branko Deljanin have completed the 3rd edition of their best selling book Laboratory Grown Diamonds Information guide to HPHT and CVD grown diamonds. Simic and Deljanin, diamond researchers with over 50 years combined experience in the trade, are internationally recognized as authorities on diamonds. They specialize in the identification of natural, treated and laboratory-grown diamonds. Together they have published more than 100 magazine articles and presented at scores of conferences around the globe.

The 188-page Laboratory Grown Diamonds Information guide to HPHT and CVD grown diamonds is being published by ‘Gemmological Research Industries Inc’ (Canada) in collaboration with four eminent contributing authors: Scientist Dr. Boris Feigelson from the Naval Research Laboratory in the USA Lab researcher Sharrie Woodring from the GCAL lab in the USA CVD engineer Malay Hirani from Soni CVD Diamonds in India HPHT engineer Frank Ripka from Algordanza in Swi zerland

The authors believe there will be tremendous interest for the latest edition of the book following the huge demand for the 2nd edition published in 2007 which sold over 3,000 copies worldwide in two languages.

Simic and Deljanin said: “This book is unique in our industry. To the best of our knowledge, nobody else has written on these subjects. In addition to revised chapters, there are eight new articles (approximately 100 extra pages) in the new edition, thus creating a 188-page practical guide that is invaluable for diamond traders.”

Members of the trade can order the book here.

Source: Instore 12-10-2020