The World Federation of Diamond Bourses is holding a series of webinars to introduce bourse members to Get Diamonds. The first international webinar for Europe and Asia was held on June 1, at 10:00 Antwerp time and 16:00 Hong Kong time. Additional webinars are planned for other leading diamond centers.
The first 90 minute session included a short talk by Yoram Dvash, Acting WFDB President about the effects of the Coronavirus crisis on the industry and the growing role of online trading. Other speakers included Philippe Barsamian, President of Federation of Belgian Diamond Bourses; Raj Mehta, Director of Rosy Blue; Simit Parikh, CEO of Sim Gems Ltd. and Jean-Jacques Tache, Tache NV, who all gave their take on the importance of a trading platform that is owned and operated by the industry.
The remainder of the webinar included a presentation of the Get Diamonds platform by Tomer Gil Levi of Lucy Platforms, who spoke about technology, special features and innovations, and an active Q & A session. Over 500 participants from Antwerp, Hong Kong and other locations took part in the session. From their questions and comments it was clear that the new Get Diamonds platform is of great interest to them.
Source: Israeli Diamond 4-6-2020